According to nutritionists, a strict drinking diet belongs to the department of the most dangerous to human health -weight loss method completely eliminates food intake!This does not mean that you will say goodbye to the concept of "food" next month and drink only purified water every day. However, the whole diet will actually be liquid.
If you don’t consider yourself an iron-hardened person, choose milder but no less effective ways, such as 6 petals, a favorite or Kremlin diet or drink, for 14 or 7 days.

During the days of drinking, you will literally have to struggle with your nature, and that is far from easy. After all, any diet is stress to the body, the most difficult moments will require the strength of common sense and spirit, but a strict drinking diet is completely different. And we will explain why, we will provide a comprehensive menu, we will tell you how many days it takes to reduce your calorie intake, we will give you a recipe for vegetables, we will list the pros and cons of the method. And you have to decide if it’s worth fighting the extra pounds.
How much can you give up on such a diet if you sit it right? Online reviews talk about results up to 20 pounds a month.
What purpose?
Initially, anyone has a need - to chew - this is an integral reflex of the body. Also (and not everyone understands this), we all have a kind of "timer" installed inside. When a person eats food, the brain "calculates" the total amount we eat, so we feel full. Sometimes the timer doesn't work when we're watching a series or listening to music.
You may have noticed that in decent cafes and restaurants there is always music playing or TV noise - it’s no coincidence. The loud sounds overwhelm the "timer" and you no longer know the instrument, so you eat more than you should. For this reason, we recommend getting used to eating in complete silence. You will notice tangible benefits within a month.
The ability to eat in silence will be needed when you decide to quit drinking. As long as you do not eat but drink, cheating is useless because the brain cannot calculate the amount of alcohol consumed.
But what is the essence of a drinking diet, what can and should definitely be taken out of the fridge next month? While any other, even the most severe method provides at least a break from eating, diet forbids it at all.The main ingredient for the next 14-30 days is liquid in all its manifestations- This means that in addition to the obligatory one and a half liters of purified water you can eat: fermented milk products, fermented milk, milk, tea soups, yoghurts, tea and coffee, broths, cocktails and anything else that turns into. to liquid - fruits and vegetables (detailed menu will be provided later).
Remember that soda and alcohol are prohibited throughout this period. It is not necessary to aggravate the already critical situation of the organism with harmful toxins and substances.
Diet makers have predicted an optimal time for an oral diet of 30 days. However, many practitioners have concluded that a tangible result can be seen after 4-5 days.It is important to make the right gradual transition to such an oral diet.If you’ve eaten a lot of protein and carbs during the day before, but suddenly stop and just sit on the water, it’s close to the hospital bed.
Before fully adhering to such a diet, you need to go through an adaptation period of 5-10 days, during which you will be able to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat.

Let the diet be halved for the first three days, and on day 10 it is already recommended to consume up to 100-200 calories per day. So by 10 days, most of your lunch will be liquid (60-70%, 20-30% - chewable food) - which will greatly simplify such a difficult body task and allow you to quickly achieve the desired results. .
Following a drinking diet on the water, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed. The feeling of heaviness is removed, the body becomes light as a feather.
After drinking a large amount of drink you will lose your feeling of hunger, you will get 0 calories, and nutrients and minerals will get into your body for a month, a week with juices and liquid broths! However, not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. The method also has many drawbacks.
For and against
Thus, we have already discussed the main aspects of the drinking diet in general, time in particular. In the month of a voluntary hunger strike, you will of course lose weight. But let’s face it: it’s not fat that will burn, but your cells and tissues. But the water will not go anywhere, on the contrary, it will be carefully fixed inside you.
You may understand the phrase "swell from hunger" because the water sitting in the tissues will become the main cause of "hungry" edema, the skin will then swell.
A useful service will bring an oral diet for 7 days, 14 or unloading 3 - this time more than enough to cause the detoxification so necessary for modern man - the release of toxic substances from the body with water and sweat.
If you look at the outside of the medal, the advantage of this technique will also be the formation of your iron will. This will help you in later life and, in our opinion, will help you to try less dangerous but equally difficult mental and physiological diets without risking giving up in the middle of the road.
Doctors believe that an oral diet is a slow but real death for the body. And if you get too involved, it is possible that in the last stages of the strict drinking regime, the harmless desire to "slow down to the side" will grow into a dangerous disease - anorexia.

However, despite the disadvantages of an aqueous diet, the method also has a beneficial advantage that, when used properly, can provide unlimited benefits - completely eliminating the risk of dehydration. This is guaranteed for all people who follow any other strictest diet. People who lose weight often reduce their water intake, but drinking a diet is the opposite.
Different nutritional strategies need to be combined to achieve maximum effect. For a week or two of fasting, adjust your drinking regimen, gradually move away from it, and switch to another diet you like. However, this requires a proper menu for all periods.
List of permitted products
First, find out what and how much you can consume during the month and week of drinking water in your diet. Lowest calorie products for your attention:
- Ordinary water from one and a half liters per day;
- Homemade broths;
- Black tea, green tea, coffee (do not add sugar and sweeteners);
- Fruit and vegetable juices (carrots, apples, beets, etc. );
- Sour beverages, compotes;
- Protein diet on yogurt;
- Fruit and vegetable, beef and fish broths;
- Dairy products 2%.
Spicy vegetables or very sweet fruits, spices and condiments, fatty yoghurts, juices from stores, vegetable oil (not to mention alcohol) are not included, otherwise the results will not please you. The salt can be used in small portions for broths.
Drinking diet for 30, 14, 7 and 3 days
How much to follow a diet is decided by everyone according to their goals.
A 30-day drink ration, in contrast to 14 days, is characterized by five stages. After an adaptive 10-day caloric reduction (sometimes a week is enough), a 10-day major cleansing of the hollow and intestinal tract begins.The next 10 days include dense organs - liver, kidneys. Thus, on day 20, a feeling of malaise in the area of these organs is possible. And finally, cleansing at the cellular level. During this period, boundless lightness is felt and discomfort in the body disappears.
You can eat:
- Dairy products for breakfast, yoghurts;
- After a couple of hours freshly squeezed juice (orange, grapefruit, apple);
- For lunch, broth or chicken soup without meat or soup porridge, tea, coffee;
- Afternoon snack - jelly, berry compote;
- Dinner - weak yogurt.
The menu requires variety so that your body gets all the useful items it needs. So, in 7 or 14 days, a more faithful way to lose weight on the water in a week could be:
- Monday: juices, compotes;
- Tuesday: jelly from oatmeal or fruit and berries;
- Wednesday: Milk Day, kefir 1, 5%, milk and yogurt;
- Thursday: fish, chicken and vegetable broths;
- Friday: puree soup, tea, broth, liquid fruit and vegetable soups;
- Saturday: protein diet - yogurt, fermented fried milk, milk;
- Sunday: We repeat the day of freshly squeezed juice and jelly.
A 3-day drink ration is the easiest way of the whole method to unload the body and lose weight. Suitable for combination with sustainable diets. Only dairy products are allowed on the first day, prepare the broth on the second and the juice, jelly and compotes on the last. In any case, when preparing a diet, follow your personal wishes, write it on a piece of paper, come up with your own recipes.

Bonus recipe
If your imagination is deceiving and you no longer know how to diversify your daily drink menu, we present this recipe to you: we prepare soup puree. First prepare 1 liter of medium-fat broth and vegetables (broccoli, onions, peppers, potatoes, carrots). Wash and clean the vegetables, add to the boiling broth and cook until soft. Crush the resulting mass with a blender into the puree. It turns out a slightly thick consistency. Diversify your daily drink menu with this easy puree soup.
How to get rid of an oral diet?
Quitting an oral diet plays an extremely important role in the event, as it must be done correctly to avoid negative consequences for the body, as this is its "second birth. " Especially if you are on a diet for 14-30 days and your body is already at risk of exhaustion.An organism that has already forgotten solid food will get used to it twice as long.So if you drink a diet for 30 days, the result will be 2 months. 14-28 days.
- For the first week, eat liquid cereals for breakfast, gradually increasing their dose.
- The second week is still a drinking dinner, but for breakfast you can eat a boiled egg, a small sandwich with cheese.
- In the third week, cereals are served for breakfast, but fruits and vegetables are already associated with dinner.
- Fourth week - finally you can meat! Fish, beef, chicken in the beginning in small quantities.
- Week 5 - Where did you start, standard meals, just one day a week, drink a fast drink.
Be sure to give up plenty of sweet and salty, floury and fatty foods for the next unlimited period. And most importantly, drink plenty of fluids.
If you still dare to lose weight with water for 14-30 days, be sure to get yourself a proper way out of an oral diet, otherwise your body will reject the food on offer.
In order to achieve the long-awaited result in 14, 30 days, in addition to strength, you will also need the ability to correctly analyze the situation and set priorities.Maybe for a moment in your mind you will feel that it is time to get out of the toughest extra pound throwing frames, but in your body you will feel that everything is already so good.On that day, you will be required to be prudent and able to objectively assess the situation for your own well-being. And keep in mind that a drinking diet is well organized and requires a comprehensive approach. Think maybe more humane methods are right for you.